Hauling traps at dawn (Courtesy LobsterfromMaine.com)
The day after Mother’s Day is the unofficial start of the Maine lobster season, when just about every lobster boat fit to go to sea, goes to sea. Last year’s 93-million-pound record catch will be hard to duplicate this year, but folks in the industry see plenty of signs another great Maine lobster season is ahead.
Already reports from Maine shrimpers and other observers are showing large numbers of baby lobster showing up uninvited in their nets. And near shore, lobster fishermen report they are seeing high counts of baby lobsters in their traps. The little guests (baby lobster) are returned to the sea to grow, but their high numbers suggest a healthy harvest this year.
A sunny warm spring helps to warm the shoreline waters which brings the adult lobster back in to feed where they are easier to catch. So the warmer the spring, the faster lobster fishing season gets off to a start. For lobster lovers awaiting their barbecues and lobster clambakes, the start of the lobster fishing season is always good news.
One challenge facing the lobster industry is the high price of fuel and bait. High fuel prices and bait take a bite of the profits for the fisherman. At the same time, fishermen fear that high gasoline prices leave folks less money to spend on going out to dinner, on vacations and for just plain buying lobster. So the fishermen hope for both a good harvest and a strong market.
To help manage supply and demand, the lobster dealers load up during peak fishing season by storing freshly caught lobster in large, natural seawater lobster pounds capable of holding millions of pounds of lobster. This allows lobster fisherman to catch lobster while they are active in the summer and fall, and still meet market demands year round.
The Lobster Trap Co. operates four pounds and two buying stations located in Machiasport and Steuben Maine, providing access to 4,000,000 pounds of live lobster. These subsidiaries are known as BBS Lobster Trap. In addition, the company operates numerous storage facilities throughout Canada providing holding capacities in excess of 2,000,000 pounds. The Lobster Trap Company’s Cape Cod shipping facility offers more than 100,000 lbs of holding capacity. Located in Bourne, MA the state of the art facility has fresh ocean water flowing through refrigerated tanks and returning to the ocean cleaner than when it came in.
All of this ensures Lobsters-Online.Com customers the freshest supply of healthy, live Maine lobster ready to be shipped overnight to homes all across the country. With lobster fishing season going into high gear, Lobsters-Online.Com will continue to offer all the best seafood value New England has to offer.
© Wayne Howe 2011
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