Hauling traps at dawn (Courtesy LobsterfromMaine.com)
People often ask what a Maine lobster fishing port is like.
The legendary June 1775 Naval Battle of Machias
The legendary June 1775 Naval Battle of Machias was the first naval battle of the fight for independence and led to the capture of a British schooner, the HMS Margaretta. A small group of settlers, having attacked the British schooner by both land and from the coastal sloop Unity, were able to overcome the British and capture the ship. Later in the war the British returned to burn parts of the town, though they were quickly chased back out to sea by the Militia. The area was attacked by a British Fleet again in 1814 and the fort destroyed a second time. Later, the federal government rebuilt the fort during the Civil War, but no shots were ever fired. Fort O’Brien, as it is called, now belongs to the state.

Machiasport Maine in the Fall
The Lobster Trap Company operates four pounds and two buying stations located in Machiasport and Steuben Maine, providing access to 4,000,000 pounds of product. These subsidiaries are known as BBS Lobster Trap. In addition, the company operates numerous storage facilities throughout Canada providing holding capacities in excess of 2,000,000 pounds making orders of ANY SIZE possible.